“Your fish where the fish are” PPC strategy is getting killed by the PPC Killer.

PPC Boat

If you’re in retail automotive it’s likely that for sometime now you’ve used a Pay Per Click (PPC) tactic as part of your overall digital marketing strategy. PPC is most likely a good part of your budget too, not to mention all of the time and energy that it consumes as you and your digital marketing vendor talk about its contributions in your AdWords account stats and reports.



Well – we’re here to introduce you to the new tactic and strategy that simply kills the 2000-and-late PPC strategy. Kills it with absolutely no contest either. Keep your PPC budget in your pocket because there’s simply no amount of PPC budget that can stand up to the PPC Killer. Not to mention that what the PPC Killer takes in budget probably wouldn’t buy you 6 leads in PPC budget. Conversely the PPC Killer for the same amount would drive about 100 leads and 20 sales. Like I said, no contest the PPC Killer simply slaughters any PPC strategy.


crush ppc edited

Not only does the PPC Killer generate more quality leads but those leads convert at four times more than any PPC lead you could generate. Again, simply crushes any PPC strategy, not to mention crushes the competition because the PPC Killer, is exclusive to your dealership. If you have it, the other same brand dealers in your district can’t have it.




It’s here, a killer technology and strategy that makes PPC obsolete for any auto dealer that deploys it. If you’re interested in driving a lot more quality leads, leads that convert 40 times more than your PPC leads, and at a fraction of your marketing budget, then the PPC Killer is for you.


Wanna see it for yourself how the PPC Killer can drive more sales at your dealership?

Email us at info@pureinfluencer.net or call us at (805) 200-4509


p.s. Nice try “marketing vendors” by design we don’t have any info about the PPC Killer on our website.