The world of online car sales is a fast lane, but beware of the bots riding shotgun in your paid search campaigns. These automated programs are masquerading as genuine car shoppers, inflating your website traffic and skewing your analytics, ultimately leading to wasted ad spend and a distorted understanding of your real audience.

Paid Search: A Bot Magnet

While all websites encounter bot traffic, paid search campaigns in retail auto are particularly vulnerable. This is mostly attributed to:

  • High-Value Industry: The potential return on investment for scraping inventory (vehicle) data or fraudulently clicking your paid search ads are significant, making the auto industry a prime target.
  • Keyword Specificity: Specific keywords used in paid search campaigns attract bots programmed to target those keywords, regardless of genuine interest.


The Pit Stop You Don’t Want:

The negative impacts of bot traffic on your paid search campaigns are multi-pronged:

  • Budget Drain: Bots generate clicks that don’t convert, siphoning your precious ad budget away from real potential shoppers.
  • Skewed Spend: With bots inflating website traffic and engagement metrics, you and, or your marketing agency are allocating budget to seemingly “performing” campaigns that are actually driven by bots.
  • Analytics Abyss: Bot activity distorts your website analytics, making it difficult to accurately measure campaign performance and understand your true audience.

The Ever-Expanding Bot Garage:

The situation is further complicated by the constant growth of the bot landscape. According to estimates, thousands of new bots or bot farms are created daily, highlighting the need for continuous vigilance.

911 bots in just 30 days from various campaigns on one dealership website.


Stop the Bots Before They Stop You:

  • Leverage Pureinfluencer’s SmartSpend platform: This automotive-specific solution identifies bot traffic by source, including Google, Facebook, AutoTrader, LotLinx, and more, allowing dealerships to pinpoint exactly where their bot problems originate. SmartSpend immediately reduces wasted ad spend on bot traffic, ensuring every dollar goes towards reaching real car buyers.
  • Partner with a reputable ad platform: Choose platforms with robust bot detection and filtering mechanisms.
  • Utilize specialized bot detection tools: These tools can analyze traffic patterns and identify bot activity.
  • Monitor key metrics: Keep a close eye on metrics like bounce rate / engagement score, time on site, and conversion rate to identify suspicious activity.
  • Stay informed: Keep yourself updated on the latest bot trends and implement new strategies as needed.

By putting these steps in place, you can keep the bots out of your digital showroom, ensure your paid search campaigns reach genuine car buyers, and drive your business forward.