by Ron Morrison | May 1, 2023 | Automotive Marketing, Conversion Strategies, Digital Selling, Frictionless Customer Experience
Of course your dealership website, inventory, and Digital Retailing seems clear to you. You’re most likely on it everyday for hours at a time. But, that’s not the case for your website visitors… many of them are confused and not necessarily for...
by Ron Morrison | Dec 6, 2021 | Automotive Marketing, Digital Marketing, Digital Selling, Frictionless Customer Experience
Think that having a website with a digital retailing tool means that your dealership does “digital selling?” Think again. What is the difference between digital selling and digital retail? First of all, there’s a vast difference between the two concepts. They’re not...
by pureinfluencer | Jan 15, 2018 | Automotive Marketing, Frictionless Customer Experience
The common question that gets asked in business is ‘Why?’ That’s a good question, but an equally valid question is ‘Why not?’ – Jeff Bezos Considering the automotive retail market, if I were Amazon (or Jeff Bezos) apart from having...
by pureinfluencer | Jan 4, 2018 | Automotive Marketing, Conversion Strategies, Frictionless Customer Experience
Really think you’re a “transparent” dealership? Really think you’re creating experiences that are new, innovative, and frictionless for your customers than their previous experiences with you? We’ve all heard and read lately about so many dealers that are supposedly...
by pureinfluencer | Oct 12, 2017 | Automotive Marketing, Frictionless Customer Experience, Marketing
Last week I hosted a webinar with DealerOn (fantastic dealer website vendor by the way), it was titled 6 Steps to Creating a Frictionless Customer Experience, you can watch it here if you like. It was a high level introduction for automotive dealership personnel to...